An experiment showing that quantum and classical communication can be carried out through the same fibre at the same time may open the door to building a quantum internet with existing infrastructure
Hamilton’s quaternion number system is a non-commutative extension of the complex numbers, consisting of numbers of the form where are real numbers, and are anti-commuting square roots of with , , . While they are non-commutative, they do keep many other properties of the complex numbers: Being non-commutative, the quaternions do not form a field. […]
I’ve just uploaded to the arXiv the paper “On the distribution of eigenvalues of GUE and its minors at fixed index“. This is a somewhat technical paper establishing some estimates regarding one of the most well-studied random matrix models, the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE), that were not previously in the literature, but which will be […]
This past summer Nordita ran a program on quantum gravity, featuring lectures and panel discussions on various approaches to the subject. Lecture notes from the six mini-courses are now available here. There’s also a long, 39 author document called Visions … Continue reading →
It’s been taking me forever to sort out and write down the details of implications of the proposal described here. While waiting for that to be done, I thought it might be a good idea to write up one piece … Continue reading →
Renaissance Philanthropy and XTX Markets have announced the launch of the AI for Math Fund, a new grant program supporting projects that apply AI and machine learning to mathematics, with a focus on automated theorem proving, with an initial $9.2 million in funding. The project funding categories, and examples of projects in such categories, are: […]
Vjeko Kovac and I have just uploaded to the arXiv our paper “On several irrationality problems for Ahmes series“. This paper resolves (or at least makes partial progress on) some open questions of Erdős and others on the irrationality of Ahmes series, which are infinite series of the form for some increasing sequence of natural […]
The largest number of logical qubits has been linked through quantum entanglement, which is a key step towards quantum computers that can detect and correct errors
Sabine Hossenfelder’s latest video argues There’s no reason for nature to be pretty (5:00) Working on a theory of everything is a mistake because we don’t understand quantum mechanics (8:00). These are just wrong: nature is both pretty and described … Continue reading →
Strange Paths Physics , computation , philosophy Chromosome 20 Home Physics Computation Philosophy Gallery News Forum About Resources Canon 1 a 2 xantox 18 January 2009 in Gallery Other : Languages Français Italiano In the enigmatic Canon 1 a 2 from J . S . Bach’s Musical Offering” 1747 also known as crab canon” or canon cancrizans” the manuscript shows a single score , whose beginning joins with the end . This space is topologically equivalent to a bundle of the line segment over the circle , known as a Möbius strip . The simultaneous performance of the deeply related forward and backward paths gives appearance to two voices , whose symmetry determines a reversible evolution A musical universe is built and then is unplayed” back into . silence 1 Animation created in POV-Ray by Jos Leys